Ovid mentions the woodstrawberry, which would lead one to infer that they were more abundant in his time and country than in ours.
In England this species exhibits some variation from the Alpine type, and was called by our ancestors the Woodstrawberry.
If this was true of the wild Woodstrawberry, how much more so of many of our aromatic rubies of to-day.
No such concentrated ambrosia ever graced the feasts of the Olympian gods, for they were restricted to the humble Fragariavesca, or Alpine species.
The Alpine strawberry ( Fragariavesca), which grows wild throughout the northern hemisphere, does not appear capable of much variation and development under cultivation.
As we have seen, the Fragariavesca, or the Alpine species of Europe, is substantially the same to-day as it was a thousand years ago.
The first, and for a long time the only one of which we have any record, is the Fragariavesca, or the "Alpine" strawberry.
Fragariavesca was used as a completely self-compatible reference sample, and the genome-wide variations were identified and subsequently annotated.